Every once in a while, we like to scare you with some shocking facts about germs, then arm you with dipslides and send you out into the world to do some testing of your own. Aren’t we just the best?

But seriously, germs have been around for forever, and although you can’t see them, they’re always there. We just want to give you a little background information on some germ-ridden spots so you know when to arm yourself with some hand sanitizer and maybe a dipslide.

So what’s today’s germ-ridden spot? You guessed it: your office! Last July, we did a post on Germy Jobs, and the office was included on that list. Let’s take a closer look at what you’re exposed to on a regular basis on the job. And no, you can’t use this post to get out of work for the day, but it was a good try.

Fun Filthy Facts

Although it might look clean, here’s what’s really lurking in your office:

  • Water Cooler
    • Nearly a quarter of water cooler buttons are considered a serious risk for illness transmission. And how often do you think the water cooler gets cleaned out on the inside when the water jug gets replaced?
  • Keyboards
    • Keyboards contain 70% more bacteria than a toilet seat.
  • Phones
    • Office phones host around 25,000 germs per square inch.
  • Faucets
    • 75% of office faucet handles are considered a serious risk for illness transmission.
  • Surfaces
    • Cold and flu viruses can survive for up to 18 hours on hard surfaces. In addition, bacteria increase by up to 31% per day on surfaces that aren’t regularly disinfected.
  • Desks
    • Office desks are more than 400 times dirtier than a toilet seat. A typical desk has up to 10 million bacteria. That’s nearly 100 times the germs found on the average kitchen table!
    • The area on your desk where your hands rest has around 10,000 bacteria.
  • Break Room
    • The microwave handle and vending machine buttons are also among some of the dirtiest surfaces in the office.

See. We’re pretty good at providing some shocking facts.

Here are some sickness prevention statistics that you might find interesting. Do you fall into any of these groups?

how clean is your office, office microbes, dipslides

  • 27% of Americans eat breakfast at their desk.
  • 62% of Americans eat lunch at their desk.
  • 50% of Americans snack at their desk.
  • Only 20% clean their work space before they eat.
  • 72% of workers feel that working sick spreads diseases in the office.
  • 78% of workers wash their hands often to help prevent the spread of disease.
  • 30% of workers clean their phone, keyboard and desk to kill germs.
  • Calling in sick: Despite it being the best way to prevent the spread of disease, 52% of workers feel bad calling in sick.

How to Help Prevent the Spread of Sickness in the Office

So what should you do and avoid to stay healthy?

First and foremost, wash your hands regularly. We all know this one, it’s just a matter of making sure we follow through. Disinfect your workspace, and this includes your keyboard, mouse, phone, and desk (spaces you touch frequently). Keep some hand sanitizer on you or at your desk, and make sure to use it after using the kitchen or bathroom.

Although we all seem to struggle with this one, you should stay home when you’re ill. It’s that simple.

Avoid eating at your desk. Eating at your desk can cause food to fall into your keyboard, making it an ideal place for bacteria to survive and multiply. In addition, avoid placing food straight onto surfaces. Use a plate or napkin!

You don’t need to go crazy constantly disinfecting your hands and workspace. You’ll eliminate too much good bacteria if you do that, and you’ll still get sick. Just follow some of the guidelines above, and you’ll already have a cleaner workspace than most.







