meet our team, celeste parker, precision laboratoriesMeet Celeste Parker, our Accounting star. Celeste is like a decadent layer cake, made up of outer accounting layers, and a few hidden layers of human resources in the middle. She handles our accounts payable, banking and finances, payroll, health insurance, employee support and much, much more. Multi-tasker? You bet.

If you talk to Celeste on the phone, you can’t miss her charming accent. Born in South Africa, she brings some flare to our Southwestern office. Celeste also helps Lu with customer service and sales occasionally, and her polite, patient disposition (along with her accent, of course) always wins customers over.

Celeste joined the team in the spring of 2015 as Donna Oliver-Knox was preparing to retire. She immediately fit right in with the work ethic and familial nature of our office. Celeste takes great care of our employees, assisting them with both personal and work matters. Making sure we have a strong, dedicated team that enjoys working at Precision is one of her top priorities.

Celeste also has the daily challenge of keeping up with the financial end of the business, not only here in the States, but also with Precision Europe and our Czech Republic lab. She makes sure our money is always where it needs to be, and with so many different spokes in the wheel, that’s not always an easy thing to do.

Celeste has quickly found her place in Precision, and we’re so thankful she joined the team!