meet our team federico and maribel aguileraMeet Maribel and Federico Aguilera, the dream team. This husband and wife duo oversees production of all our products, except for the dipslides. They are exemplary employees to say the least, and they keep production running like a well-oiled machine.

Federico, our Production Supervisor, has been overseeing production for over 7 years, and his experience in manufacturing environments is invaluable. Maribel joined our team just one year after Federico, and together, they make it look easy. But let’s be very clear about something – it’s not. Our production crew is extremely busy day in and day out.

These two pride themselves on getting orders out the same day they come in. They’ve been known to complete an order in less than 10 minutes, or have an order ready to ship that came in just minutes before the FedEx truck showed up. Their productivity is unmatched.

They are constantly improvising, building, creating, manipulating…basically, finding inexpensive ways to continually improve production’s efficiency, maximize space, and create an increasingly functional workflow. You would be amazed at the some of the simple improvements they have made with a cardboard tube or an empty box. They should have their own DIY TV show.