We work with a lot of companies to find unique solutions to the challenges they’re facing. In the last couple of years, we have worked closely with organizations like PATH and Cascade Designs to develop test strips for their kits that are bringing clean water to under-developed countries. Today, we thought we would take a minute to share how they’re helping the world.

SE200 Community Chlorine Maker

The SE200 Community Chlorine Maker is changing how citizens in low-resource communities around the world are creating safe drinking water. In five minutes, with just the push of a button, the device creates chlorine with water, salt and electricity. Each batch produces enough chlorine to make 200 liters of water that’s safe to drink.

A supply chain innovation, the chlorine maker lets users treat water on the spot at wells, water trucks and other common sources. The kit is small, portable and easily mastered, and it requires only salt brine and electricity from a car battery or mains power. Most importantly, it allows families, leaders and entrepreneurs to control their supply of safe drinking water.

Using the chlorine maker is as easy as mixing the salt brine, adding it to the chlorine maker and pushing the start button. An indicator lights and sounds a signal at successful completion, or signals trouble-shooting options. It takes only five minutes to produce enough chlorine to make 200 liters of safe, drinkable water, and can treat 40,000 liters from just one 12V car battery charge using an 80 amp-hour battery. Smart circuitry produces a consistent chlorine concentration, while durable construction withstands daily repeated use.

Precision’s chlorine test strips are included in the kit to help users know if the water is safe to drink after treating it with the chlorine maker. The strips measure residual chlorine in the range of 0-5ppm, with a target concentration range of 0.2 to 2ppm.

The Chlorine Maker has been validated by end users in over a dozen low-resource settings, including Kenya, Mali, Tanzania, Zimbabwe and Thailand. This is a project we’re proud to be a part of, and we hope to continually be involved in these exciting endeavors that are bringing positive changes to communities worldwide.